Cxbladder Bulletin - October 2023

Pacific Edge invites you to read the October 2023 edition of the US Cxbladder Bulletin. In this issue:

  1. Medicare coverage update: Leading US Urological Societies call for LCD revision as submission period concludes. Cxbladder remains a covered test as we wait for a verdict
  2. New data from Kaiser Permanente highlights the utility of Cxbladder Triage and Monitor
  3. Cxbladder Detect+ clears first commercialization hurdle
  4. Cxbladder budget impact model demonstrates per significant patient cost savings
  5. Clinical program update: new study CREDIBLE commencing
  6. Cxbladder live in the Philippines
  7. Upcoming events


View and download the US Cxbladder Bulletin

View and download the APAC edition.

Last Updated: 25 Oct 2023 09:55 am